showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
A Chance in Hell author;Brøderbund (author)?The SuperCPU is basically a requirement. But, the game actually doesn't use any 65816 specific code nor exceed the C64's RAM capacity. So, there is no hard limit to prevent someone playing without a SuperCPU or playing with the SuperCPU, or any of its features, turned off. But, the game is unplayably slow without SuperCPU help. labelminimizeminimize
Agent USA  Scholastic (Tom Snyder Productions)1984You play Agent USA as he attempts to eradicate the FuzzBomb epidemic. He must grow the only cure for the FuzzBomb, crytals, that replicate only when laid still outdoors. Since they cure the infected (FuzzBodies), they extremely valuable to the average citizen that does not want to be infected. They are likely to be stolen while replicating. If a citizen or Agent USA are holding crystals when touched by a FuzzBody, a crystal is destroyed rather getting the infection. Agent USA can block or push citizens to protect his crystal farm. Additionally, a FuzzBody is cured and becomes a normal citizen if they touch (and break) a crystal. Agent USA will be traveling the US via trains. Fuzzbodies will be spreading the infection in the mean time. And the original FuzzBomb is located in one of the infected cities. The ultimate goal is to find the source, the original FuzzBomb, and drop 100 crystals on it.

This is an edutainment game that introduces train scheduling, ticket buying, geography, time zones, and epidemic spread.